1. Organisation

Do I need an appointment?
Yes, please make an appointment by phone at 089-951660 or by e-mail. You are also welcome to book an appointment online. If you are unable to make an appointment in time, please cancel it in good time.

What should I bring to my first appointment?
Please bring your current insurance card to your first appointment. If you have X-rays or other documents from your old dentist, you are also welcome to bring them with you or send them to us in advance by e-mail.

What do I do in an emergency?
In case of severe toothache, swelling or an accident, please call us immediately. We will do everything we can to examine you quickly and help you. At the weekend and outside our office hours, you can find help at the dental emergency service .

2. Treatment children

At what age should children go to the dentist?
You can make the first check-up appointment for your child from the age of six months. Our goal is to educate you in the best possible way about a tooth-healthy diet and the correct brushing technique and to explain the visit to the dentist to your child in a playful way.

Can children have their teeth professionally cleaned?
Yes, from the age of four, a gentle polishing of the milk teeth can remove the first plaque and teach your child the correct tooth brushing technique. From the age of six, the statutory health insurance will pay for your child's teeth to be cleaned twice a year.

Does every child need braces?
No, but it makes sense to have your child examined by an experienced orthodontist from the age of about four. We will be happy to advise you on this.

I am pregnant, should I make an appointment?
Yes, during pregnancy you are prone to bleeding gums (gingivitis) due to the change in hormones. Bleeding gums are not to be underestimated, but can be a real danger to your unborn baby. It has been linked to premature births. Therefore, it is important to clean your teeth properly during this time. We recommend that you have your teeth professionally cleaned.

3. Treatment adults

How often do I have to go to the dentist for a check-up?
In general, you should come for a check-up every six months. However, this is highly dependent on your oral health and should therefore be determined individually.

How often should I have my teeth cleaned?
As this is highly dependent on your oral health, the interval should be determined individually. As a rule, you should come for a dental cleaning every six months to have all plaque and discolouration optimally removed. This is crucial for healthy teeth into old age. We will be happy to advise you on this.

4. Surgical procedure

I had a tooth removed today, what do I need to be aware of?
Please refrain from any physical activity today. Today it would be good if you abstain from nicotine, coffee and alcohol.

What do I do if I have a secondary haemorrhage?
Minor bleeding from the wound is normal. If the bleeding does not stop, bite down on a gauze swab or a clean handkerchief for 20 to 30 minutes. If the bleeding still does not stop, please contact us or report to the emergency dental service.

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